Last night after I casually mentioned (for the hundredth time) that I had gotten sick at work my amazing husband randomly says between sips of his soda, "You are the coolest woman I know! You are so strong I don't know how you do it. I am so lucky to be your husband." His statement took me off guard as he can at times be a man of few words and thinking that he already knows the routine of work and being sick since we've been dealing with this since I was six weeks pregnant his statement took me aback and brought a huge smile to my face. I am so grateful to have an amazing husband who recognizes my hard work and cares so much about me. For him to actually tell me how awesome I am, (It's something not needed to hear but definitely great to hear sometimes!) it lifted my level of exhaustion for a brief moment and all my stress melted away.
Which brings me to my next thought, the one I have had since May began. All of the exhaustion, stress, and hardships that you go through while caring your child, your blessing from your heavenly Father; it's all worth it....not for the presents or the kudos of delivery. But just that simple statement "I am a Mother". It makes everything gone through, nothing and everything worth it all.
As mothers day inches closer I have to say I have never felt so connected to the thought of an entire day just for mothers and the thought that I am now forever going to be a part of that day, it brightness my world and gives me the serenity in feeling complete; as all I have ever wanted is to be a mom. Mothers Day was always so special to me for different reasons, I have two amazing woman in my life to shower in a special gift and card. I am so blessed to have two mother figures in my life. My Grammy and my Mom mean the world to me and I will forever hope to be able to show Rylan how much I love him through the showering of love I have received from these two beautiful amazing woman. I am now even more blessed to have an amazing Mother-in-Law who just adds more love and support; and who is such a blessing to not just have the opportunity to know, but to now be family.
As Rylan gets older I can't wait to see what his personality will be like and to see what gifts he picks out for me on mothers day and my birthday (FYI Daddy: if a box of animal crackers is what he picks out or a shirt that you know I would have never worn in the past is exactly what he thinks I need, DON'T discourage him! I will love anything, even if it's a home made card, I like those best! :-D)
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