Tuesday, February 1, 2011

A New Years Day Present ~With a side of Faith~

I had a feeling. A nagging feeling. God kept telling me to go get a pregnancy test two weeks before Christmas. I made jokes and had been thinking before that I could be pregnant but previous months when I thought I was, the tests were always negative, so I decided to just wait it out...

On the night of New Years Day Kevin and I decided to get a test just for peace of mind. OH how I was surprised when that plus sign appeared! I was in the bathroom for a what seemed like only minutes when my lovely husband knocked on the door and just ''had'' to come in. I told him "hold on" there was silence and then he spoke once more "Wait, what are you doing? Are you ok?" he asked. I was numb and all I can remember is starring at the plus sign, shaking, and starting to cry "ummm...yeah, umm don't come in" I said. Knowing Kevin, he didn't listen, he knew something was different in my voice. He quickly opened the door and NO ladies I did not have a cute little gift, or even a big smile; there was no present awaiting him or a "Your going to be a daddy T-shirt." No, I just handed him the pregnancy test and said "Well, I guess your going to be a daddy" And followed it was a bunch of more tears. I really was in complete shock. He immediately looked at the test, then back at me, then back at the test....Well, you get it, we played that game for what seemed like forever. He then points to the very faint plus sign and asks "Wait, what does that mean"? I then repeated my previous statement and he just grinned from ear to ear. He hugged me and tried his best to reassure me that it was all going to be OK.

Later that night I took the second test that had been in the same box as the first pregnancy test. Of course it was positive, however I was still thinking well maybe this cheap test is wrong and we will get a more expensive brand in the A.M. Yes you guessed it! The morning came, more cash was spent, and a positive sign much more vibrantly appeared in that little window, I touched my abdomen and just took a deep breath. Wow this was actually happening! I was a nervous wreck, crying and freaking out that there was no way we could handle this so soon into our marriage. (Oh me of little faith!)

Kevin was calm as always and just smiled as happy as could be! I so wanted to be that happy, but I am someone who worries, ALL THE TIME, and satan was really relying on that down fall of mine. We waited two weeks before telling our family and friends and as I told people I started to get more happy but I was still very unsure about being able to be parents financially only months after we'd been married.

As the weeks went by I think I found out daily that someone else around me was also pregnant. I have to say that encouraged me as I didn't feel alone anymore and felt "well, if they can do it we can to!" It wasn't easy but as the days and weeks have passed I have grown to realize that God really does everything for a reason and will not give you more than you can handle! He knows what He's doing! (Go figure, what a light bulb flickering moment.)

We are not sure the exact date of conception however we believe I am at least nine weeks. However, I am thinking I am farther along because I believe my "cycle" in November may have been "Implantation Bleeding". Since finding out I am pregnant I have experienced fatigue, nausea, headaches, at times trouble sleeping, and recently the occasional "sick" moment after eating. It usually is at the end of the day and baby says "Nope, didn't like anything today but I am now just deciding that!" (This is definitely my child :-D )

Through the good days and bad, I have found an abundance of happiness in knowing that we have been blessed so quickly in our marriage with our little "Brownie". We have our first doctors appointment tomorrow (2/2/11) and I believe that will help me settle down my fears in confirming that everything is going smoothly.

We ask for your prayers daily and want to thank you for supporting us! We love you and are very excited for you to share this journey with us!


  1. How sweet to share your story and be so vunerable.
    I'm with you thru every headache, backache, barf, food/drink craving, baby kicking moment.
    I Love you and little "Brownie"!
    Love~ Mom

  2. I am excited for you and kevin! I love that you are posting your story so we can all take this journey with you! You both are going to be amazing parents.

    Love you Linds!

  3. Thanks mom! :-D

    Chello! Thanks so much! I'm glad you enjoy reading our journey. Thanks so much for being there for us! Love you too.
