Monday, October 3, 2011

It will get better....Right?

I had to switch to giving Rylan all formula :( This hurts me as I feel like a bad mom for doing so... I absolutely loved breastfeeding, I never had any problems with it at all....but because my blood pressure is still high (it's called Postpartum hypertension and effects some mothers after they deliver) I had to be put on some medicine for just a short time to control it and its not safe to take while breastfeeding (even though my doctor said it was LADIES do your research!!!! DO NOT take medicine just because your doctor said it was OK, I have learned now that you need to follow your instincts, and mine were right! DO THE RESEARCH!

Usually the high bp calms down between two and six weeks after delivery. So please keep me in your prayers that I can get it under control and do not have to keep taking medicine. I HATE taking medicine! I try to avoid even taking Tylenol, so taking blood pressure medicine makes me feel extremely unhealthy, even though I eat more healthy now then I have ever before, I know its something that I cant control because its related to delivery and I just have to remember that.

When we initially had to switch to half breastfeeding, half formula Rylan started to projectile vomit :( Once we realized he was just eating too frequently; it stopped once we stretched the feedings. However now he is starting to do it again! The first day on all formula he did fantastic! However yesterday and this morning he keeps throwing up after some feedings. I told the nurse last time we went for his weight check that I thought he had acid-reflux or could be lactos intolerant. She said that either could be right but we would just wait to switch to soy or put him on any medicine for acid-reflux. I am going to keep track of how much he is eating versus throwing up and if it continues to be about every other feeding I am going to push more for seeing about him having acid-reflux. I hope we can get it all under control as it is getting extremely frustrating and the constant need to do laundry is soon going to drain our pockets in buying detergent! 


  1. i HATE so much when people try to tell you that you need to listen to your doctor and not make your own medical decisions. but there are SO many resources out there, you can take from other peoples' experiences and make a sound decision, sometimes contrary to what your doctor told you.

    i hope things start to get better with rylan!

    love you.

  2. I know! I will never take a doctors word for anything again! I mean, what we had to go through with my delivery was all because they forced me to try to deliver natural when I knew during my entire pregnancy that since they were not just scheduling a c-section I would have to endure what I did, luckily making it through... If they would have just listened to me it would have been a better experience instead of a scary time :( Thank you! Love you too!
