Wednesday, March 23, 2011

My head hurts, feet, back, legs....I'm tired.

Work is difficult. It is really draining me mentally, emotionally, and physically. I am praying God allows circumstances to soon arise that will allow me to be more comfortable, however in waiting I feel helpless. I am still very tired and suffering from all day sickness. It makes it worse when you have to work 10 hours on your feet, lifting heavy boxes, and trying to get your production up when you're running to the bathroom and getting sick all night. I just want to be home.... comfortable and safe. I worry all the heavy lifting is going to hurt the baby. With how I feel I hope the baby feels better.

I am looking forward to April 18th!!!! I just can't wait to find out what we are having!!!! At first I was thinking boy but then I recently thought girl. However, now as the time gets closer in finding out, in really wanting it to be a girl, I think, "Oh it will probably be a boy". :-D No matter what, I just can't wait!!!!

Kevin and I have decided to not do the blood testing as it is only causing more stress and anxiety and it is something not needed. The doctor that shoved that paper work in my face can just go.... fly a kite :-D. I realized that my next baby appointment that is on April 11th is with the same doctor as last time. I am really really debating on rescheduling it.

Over all, I feel pregnant :-D My baby bump is not crazy noticeable but its getting there. Possibly will post pictures this weekend.

Please continue to pray for my health and the baby's health. Thanks!

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