Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Third and hopefully last sonogram!

Our sonogram went well, we got more pictures but they aren't the best due to Rylan not EVER getting off of my placenta, I swear he's just laid on it my entire pregnancy like its his pillow, so since he wont move (lol) we haven't been able to get a great face picture since he's all scrunched up in there, snoozing away on his pillow

We will not know the results of the sonogram until probably our next baby appointment. It always takes the doctor four days to give us our results which would make us finding out on Saturday. But I assume the doctors office will wait until Monday, however that being the 4th of July puts us with not knowing until we go to our appointment on Tuesday the 5th :-(

We have a lot to do this weekend! We just set up our crib and with the help of my father in law last weekend Rylans room is cleared out and ready to be painted. Mimi and the girls will be over to help paint on Saturday! We actually decided to go with a brighter green since the initial paint color looked more blue than green. I CAN'T WAIT to get everything finished and decorated and put up pictures, time is of the essence!!!

Papa setting up the crib! Can't wait to get rid of those yellow walls!

Oscar is trying to help, he wants to paint!

~Rylan Paul @ 30 weeks 2 days~
 All Scrunched up on his pillow

Chubby cheeks! 

Rylans Feet :-D 
The technician had to take a picture because all he did was kick the monitor!

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