I had a GREAT birthday weekend filled with my sisters sleeping over, we ate a TON of great food! Put off fireworks and got burnt from being in the pool all day! I had a fantastic weekend celebration and a great welcoming of turning 24, entering my seventh month of pregnancy, and another little surprise happened on my birthday regarding my sister Victoria; lets just say....she is now OFFICIALLY a woman! :-D
I am so excited for what the next eleven and a half weeks brings us as we are getting to be in the "final countdown" of weeks until our little boy is to make his grand appearance. If my intuition is right and he is as stubborn as me, I still believe he will be early...
At my last doctors appointment we scheduled my next two doctors appointments. The next one is on June 22nd at 1:30. Followed by our sonogram on the 29th the following week. And then my next baby appointment will be on July the 5th at 1:15. I am assuming they will just wait until that day to give us the news regarding my low lining placenta and possibly if nothing has changed or there isn't enough change for a natural delivery, a C-section could then be scheduled. It worked out that I will be seeing Dr. Ginter (the mean doctor from before, however I will have to note, she has become A LOT nicer; she still has her moments of deeming you completely incapable of having any kind of intelligence, yet a smile and small talk seem to be getting better for her, oh the silver lining, as little as it may be we'll take it! :-D) Since Ginter has been the one ordering the paper work for my sonograms, I assume she will be the one to schedule a C-section. This is what I am thinking for the outcomes of our July 5th appointment. It could go one of three ways.
1. I could be completely fine and everything is on the go for a natural delivery!
2. My placenta could still have slightly moved as before (but not enough) and they will schedule another sonogram for 4-6 weeks later, putting me at either 34 weeks or 36 weeks for a sonogram. Then if my placenta is still too close to my cervix a C-section will then be scheduled for either a 36-38 week delivery date, that would put us at either the week of August the 8th (36 weeks/day after our anniversary, GO FIGURE!) or the week of August 22nd (38 weeks).
3. They will automatically, because this is the third sonogram, schedule a C-section at my appointment on July 5th for a delivery date between 34-38 weeks.
Whatever happens I trust God has everything under control! My fears of having a premature baby do creep up due to the fact that I know what my family had to go through with me being nine weeks premature. I know that Rylan has now been "cooking" for a little longer than what I had been with my mom, but I still have the fear with every knew pain that I'm going to go into labor too soon.... Please continue to pray for us as we get ready for Rylans arrival and as we continue to prepare for the greatest gift God can bestow: Being Parents.
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