Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Baby Appointment and Baby Shower fun

Lately I have been having contractions but they are irregular, but wow do some of them take my breathe away! It scares me to be honest and I catch myself thinking, a lot, can I do this? With the encouragement from my family, friends, and amazing hubby as a contraction subsides they are there encouraging me that it will all be ok and I CAN "do this".

We had the best doctors appointment EVER this past Monday! We saw Dr. Brown :-D We had never had her before and boy if I could request someone at all times, it would be her!!!! I am already praying that she is on call when I go into labor as I thoroughly trust her and feel oh so comfortable around her. She is so sweet and told us so much information about our situation, even drawing us a diagram of what my placenta and uterus looks like apposed to a normal one. What she told us is that she is almost certain my placenta will have moved enough out of the way for a natural birth. She explained that my placenta was on the verge of covering the cervical opening and now is at it's edge. She believes at the next sonogram (scheduled for next teusday) it will show enough movement, since it has been gradually moving, that I will get the go ahead to naturally deliver. The only thing they will have to monitor is bleeding. Even with it being moved since my placenta implanted too low in my uterus it could cause it to tear as I deliver, they dont mind a little bleeding, but if Rylan is in stress or too much bleeding occurs they will then do a C-section.

Right now my prayer is for a (not too much pain) quick labor like the ones my mom and grammy had! :-D I have days where I just can't wait to hold Rylan and then days where I have to remember what I have to go through to hold him and my fear creeps in, and I tell him it's ok to still stay in there! (lol). In those moments I close my eyes and ask God to comfort me and help me to be able to have the courage that I lack. I also pray that when I do go into labor I am already in chambersburg preferably NOT AT WORK, and hopefully at my gram and paps or mom and dads!

Dr. Brown went over all my information since getting pregnant. She did tell me she wished I had a higher gain, as for my entire pregnancy I am at a gain of 7 pounds, however she is not concerned since she knows that with my being sick I gain and then loose and that has been the go around as of now. Rylans heartbeat was 138-140 the highest its been in the past couple weeks. She explained if they are sleeping/or just woke up the heartbeat is lower between 110-120 however if its higher that means they are awake and moving. And Rylan was definitely doing that! He again kicked the monitor a couple times :-D We ended our day before Kevin had to go to work with a lunch date and since little Ry-Ry didn't have any shoes we picked up these awesome ones!

And now about our baby shower! We had such a great time! And got so many cute things!
I want to thank all of you who were able to make it to our baby shower! We greatly appreciate your love and support during this amazing time. Here are a couple snap shots of the day and a 33week picture of Rylan and I!

 Opening one of our many gifts! YAH for diapers and wipes :-D

Games we played!

:-D The coolest dad around!

33 weeks!

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