Thursday, April 21, 2011

We are having a......???

As we woke with anticipation on April 18th, 2011 we couldn't help but be on edge, today was a very BIG day. Not much was said on the way to our appointment other than "So what do you think we are having"? followed with an "I don't know, I think one thing then think well maybe not..." The back and forth kept us occupied and my hyperventilating down to a minimum.

As we walked into the doctors office all I could think was ''Wow this is it!'' (well, that and I have to pee like NOW, SO hurry up people.) The 24oz of water you are to consume an hour before the sonogram does not help at all when you are five months pregnant and constantly have to pee because your little one always likes to sleep, kick, hang out, and swim right on your bladder (sorry mimi that I did the same to you). With my gazillion nerves rushing around inside of me and increasing my urge to cross my legs, the odds that I would pee my pants before even making it back to the sonogram room was a likely scenario. 

With ice cold hands I reached for my husbands always warm inviting grip. We sat there my legs bouncing as he sat there coolly not allowing his nerves to get the best of him, (however his Cheshire grin blew his cover.) Often we looked at each other and smiled. Then I would mutter something like "Oh my gosh I'm so nervous", followed with my main saying of every day, "Holy crap they better hurry up I gotta pee!"

Luckily without our hearts bursting out of our chests and my pants dry (accomplishment!) We were finally in the sonogram room and starring up at the black and white screen with out little brownie right there for us to see. We were mesmerized and honestly the entire moment of  "So what are we having" went by so quickly I wish I could rewind back to that moment and have a re-do. The sonogram technician was so nice and laid back, it was a great experience, HOWEVER I wish she would have paused and had a build up in telling us what God had blessed us with. There was no "Are you ready to know what you are having"? Followed by a movie like scene pausing for effect then BANG, as soon as the beautiful music erupts the BIG reveal closes the scene. NOPE, that didn't happen. As we starred at our little baby on that screen Kevin and I just held hands and fell into a fog like state, it was amazing. I barely heard her when she spoke "So, it's a Boy". I immediately responded "Wait what? It is a boy?" She pointed to our baby boys parts which I still think is just a black and white blur and said "Oh yes, there it is, thats a boy!" I immediately began smiling and of course had to inform her that I knew we were having a boy! The rest of the appointment the technician checked on our sons, (YAH!, OUR SON...Ok sorry I just LOVE saying that!) organs and measuring the head and looking at the brain and heart. My due date is right at the exact timeline of our sons development and she said everything looked great! :-D

The 45mins that we had just watching and laughing at his movements was simply A-M-A-Z-I-N-G! It all just makes me want to hold our little blessing right now. I will note, that our son was not that cooperative during the sonogram. The technician had to get a picture of the four chamber heart and he would not turn over, he laid down on his belly with his knees bent and butt up in the air just chilling out. She said numerous times how stubborn he was, especially when we would finally get him on his side and right when she would go to take a picture he would flip right back onto his belly :-D Oh how I already knew he would be stubborn :-D (ahem, husband, lol)

I bet if you saw us walking into target buying our baby blue shirts to surprise my family with the big reveal that IT'S A BOY! You would have thought we got into some awesome pain killers and took more than the recommended dose. We smiled and laughed and Kevin guided me away from people, displays, and polls as I sent a text to all my girlfriends who were waiting to hear the big news. We couldn't be happier and just want to tell the world!!!!

We are elated to introduce you to our handsome, adorable, amazing, biggest blessing of our lives:
Rylan Paul

*Five months*

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