With every movement Rylan is telling me "Mommy I'm ok."
I hate going to work because I can't feel his little movements and sometimes kicks when I'm moving around, sometimes I get worried and just want to lay down and feel him. He is more active at night which makes sense since daddy and I are night owls and our work schedule is so crazy. We get home around 3:15am and our bedtime is usually between then and 5am.
I have gained two pounds almost three since my last doctors appointment. But I usually do and then I lose it right before my next appointment because I get severely sick. I think it's because I'm going and going on empty, I have lunch before work and then throw up and then go to work and then feel sick and at times throw up at work and then come home barely able to walk inside because my body is so tired (I still have to keep my productivity up at work so I can't slow down.) Because I push myself a lot with work and don't slow down because I can't (I will loose my job if I miss any days by May 12th and after that can't miss more than one day after that for 7 months.) Everything is just magnified with every headache, nausea, trip to the bathroom, dizzy spell, and every emotion; I am worn out and so is Rylan and I think it just catches up to us in that last week of the month and it takes all I can to get out of bed.
I am tired and sick and sick and tired of being both. I'm ready to just be a stay at home mom (I can dream).
I have been doing better since getting the news from my doctor about my condition. I have had an outpouring of prayers and support and I greatly appreciate it (Thank you everyone) I have been told by a lot of people that had the same thing as me that they were are able to have healthy pregnancy's. I am praying that I have the same outcome and at our next sonogram everything will be ok.
Again thank you so very much to all our family and friends who are there for us. We love you!
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