Have you ever been so sad, heartbroken, overwhelmed, worried....that you cry yourself to sleep and when you wake in the morning your eyes open and immediately the tears start to flow once more? You can't stop your eyes from crying, as much as you yell at them, you can't stop them because they are attached to your heart and are just showing your hearts hurt. As much as you try to just go back to sleep and just forget, you can't forget, now all you can do is remember...
Yesterday I got a call from my doctor who wanted to go over my ultrasound results. Immediately they said Rylan is doing great and he's ok, however my placenta is low lining and on the verge of a Placenta Previa. When this happens it can be harmful to baby and mother and requires an immediate c-section. Complications can arise that include having a premature baby who does not survive, the mother bleeding too much during a c-section and causing a serious risk to my well being. The baby can also have birth defects since being born early. Another scare is that the placenta when it is lower can affect/attach itself to the cervix which when having a c-section this can cause you to go through a lot of blood loss, which in turn requires the doctors to perform a complete hysterectomy to save the mother from serious complications and or death. No one knows why it happens....some of the causes listed I have not one. SO I am at a loss as to why I have the possibility of having this happen.
The only good thing is that in my situation when it is caught before or right at 20 weeks, they can try and prevent placenta previa by being on pelvic rest for four to six weeks. It does not mean that my placenta will not move from the low position that it is at and cause the cervix to be closed off allowing no other recourse than to have to a c-section and possibly go through the above stated scenarios. However I have to remain calm and faithful that my Jesus, my daddy, has it all under control and he will work his miracle.
Part of the symptoms that you have with placenta previa is bleeding, sometimes light bleeding sometimes extremely heavy bleeding, both times if you are bleeding due to this, you have to be hospitalized and the baby has to be delivered as soon as possible. I have not had any bleeding, ever, during my pregnancy. Because my placenta is only close to my cervix and hasn't covered it I wouldn't have the bleeding until it completely moves in front the cervix. This is why pelvic rest is needed. The doctor is hoping this fixes the problem. A couple weeks ago when I was in all that pain and went in to be checked, they told me it was ligament pains. I knew they were wrong. And now I know why all that pain and my own "Mothers instinct" was right, I know my body and now it all makes sense. I believe 100% that in that week my placenta was moving from above the baby and starting to low line.
Last night I woke up after only sleeping four hours, instantly I started crying and tried to force myself back to sleep as I have to work today. In getting just one more hour of sleep I had the worst nightmare. I went to the bathroom and couldn't stop bleeding.....It all seemed so real and when I woke up I ran to the bathroom just to make sure it really wasn't true. As I starred at the piece of toilet tissue that showed no traces of blood I was relieved yet in the same instance I couldn't help but think when I have to go to the bathroom again....what will I face? (again the tears started)
My world has been turned upside down with just one phone call. I am more aware of all my "Mothers instincts" than ever before. I am not ignoring any of them, in a way it feels they are haunting me......
You see, I have always had a feeling that Rylan was going to be born early, I have said it numerous times. However, in my mind, early means August instead of September not May or June vs September. Because I was only born seven weeks from now, you can understand my torment and my fear of Rylan having to face the same struggle of survival as I did. I can only pray that God allows everything to be fixed and my sweet beautiful baby boy will be alright....
I am beyond scared, broken, worried, terrified, exhausted (I can't sleep) feverishly praying, sobbing and wailing in my husbands arms.....The pain of not knowing what is going to happen is OVERWHELMING and devastating. I try to bravely face this head on, yet inside I feel so broken. Did I cause this to happen? Is my baby going to die because of me? Will I never be able to have children? Will I never again be able to feel a child move inside of my womb? Will I be a good mom and be able to take care of Rylan and give him all he needs if he has special needs or birth defects? And.....
My biggest question....
Will we never get to meet our son?..... play ball with him, cook him his favorite meal, teach him how to swim, or see him get married and start his own family?...........Right now my mind is my torment and my heart is filled with pain. I haven't stopped crying since yesterday.
I have a sonogram scheduled for May 16th at 10a.m. to check the placenta and hope that it has moved away from my cervix. If it has I will then be monitored throughout the remainder of my pregnancy and have to have sonograms every couple weeks to make sure nothing moved back. If it hasn't moved or becomes worse I do not know what will be needed....At the date of my sonogram I will be 24 weeks, 3 weeks shy of when I was born.
Please. Please. Pray for Kevin and I as we face this situation. All I ask of you is to pray....we thank you for your love and support, and above all right now we need your love and prayers the most.