Monday, November 14, 2011

Rylans Two Month Check Up

Rylans two month check up went beautifully! Rylan smiled and flirted his way through his appointment. Weighing in at 12lbs 4oz and 23 3/4in. long the doctor was very pleased at his growth, surprised at how alert he was, and kept commenting on the fact that she couldn't believe how funny it was that he wouldn't stop watching Kevin and I as she examened him. His good mood even got the doctor to ask "Is he always this well mannered"? However all the cooing, flashing of smiles, and batting his long eye lashes couldn't take away the pain of three shots and a drink of medicine that the "mean" nurse had to give our little boy. It was so hard to not cry however I will say I remained very strong and as I looked away still holding my little Rylans hand, tears welled up but did not spill over. As soon as the nurse was done, I scooped up my crying baby and clung to him, wishing I could take away his pain...

Since getting his shots, he has had fever off and on and is a lot more fussy than normal, which the doctor warned could happen. He is fighting sleep more and just can't seem to get comfortable at times. I am hoping that the fussy little boy soon leaves and my happy Rylan soon re-appears, because this mommy and daddy miss his smiles and cooing!

Even though Rylan Paul hasn't been his normal self, at times we have been able to catch some happy moments pre-shots and post-shots, including when he discovered his hands!

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Routinely Learning

Everyday is somewhat different however one thing remains the same...Rylan rules the clock :-D He doesn't have a set schedule yet; we just are clocking how long it is between feedings and just watching him get bigger and learn new things everyday. Whether it is smiling more, discovering his hands, cooing more, drooling A LOT (the beginning of teething, lucky us, he's starting early!) or growing out of all his clothes we are really enjoying being parents!

We can't wait until we can say "Yes, he does sleep all night through!" That will be nice! Though, daddy and I are very tired we have somewhat of a routine. Whenever Rylan gets up at an hour in the day that daddy and I can stand up and logically pick up a bottle and put it in his mouth apposed to the tv remote, we know we've gotten enough sleep to function and start our day :-D

Daddy cooks an awesome lunch and I clean up the mess! It works for us! Then if there is any time before daddy has to leave for work we just hang out as a family. However I will be honest and say that I am really worried for how it is all going to work once I go back to work on December 1st. I am not looking forward to leaving my baby boy! My dream would be able to stay home with him, however as of now that is not something we can do. All in Gods timing is what I have to repeat everyday, one day I will be able to be a stay at home day...

I can't believe Ry is two months old!!! He has his two month check-up this week and I can't wait to see how much he has grown since last month! I am NOT looking forward to the shots he is going to get though, I believe this weekend will not be as relaxing as we would have liked. Rylan has sensitive skin and scares easily. So we will see how he does with getting shots :-(

I have taken a lot of pictures in the past month and will update with pictures as soon as I can, it has been a busy month with moving into a new apartment (still in our same building) but we are loving finally feeling as though we have found our stride and are settled in. Hopefully this weekend I can update with pics!

Thanks For Reading!