An all day maid service NEEDED. Immediatly!
As in a twenty four hour maid is needed for McConnellsburg, PA woman with child and husband to care for. Sweeping, mopping, dusting, wash laundry, dry laundry, don't let it sit in hamper kind of maid but fold said laundry (prefer maid to put away laundry, but if that's too much this wife/mother understands) do dishes, put away dishes, do the trash, litter box, diaper pale, clean up toys (warning almost one year old will in five seconds take all those toys back out and he WILL, I repeat, WILL spread them all over the just swept and mopped floor.) That almost one year old will also find the little bit of dust that the mop and dust pan lovingly forgot and WILL put it in their mouth. Please do not be offended by this, it clearly is just an inspection that is daily failed by desperate mother/wife/mother that is hiring you. The pay is crap and the hours are well, all day and night. Your employer, this desperate, wife/mother/mother will be in bed. Do not disturb her. I repeat DO NOT disturb her. Unless coffee is made. (Revision) Coffee will be needed by 9a.m. every morning.
I work full time as a mother/wife/mother/target-employee/maid/wife/mother/mother so I can NOT answer a phone call. You can email me at I'll be glued to my computer (hopefully not literally, who knows what almost one year old is planning) desperate to hear from you!